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Crystals connect to each chakra.
They can assist in realigning your energy and offer healing in the right chakra.
Chakras, Sanskrit for "Wheel" are energy centres which are found within the centre of the body. Our bodies are made up of energy and consciousness, a Chakra is a vortex of energy corresponding to a particular colour, frequency and crystal. These energy centres are the locations for you to place your crystals on for healing, happiness and harmony within your body and life.
Sahasrara. I KNOW.
Element; Consciousness
Sound; AH
Colours; Clear, Opal and White
Highest energy centre connecting to the Divine, Universal Spirit/Super Consciousness, enlightenment, spirituality, wisdom, claircognizance, dreams, self knowing.
Unhealed; not connecting with spiritual self, unable to understand spiritual connection of oneself to the universe, ignoring signs from higher guidance, ignoring your dreams, lack of truth.
Ajna. I SEE
Element; Light.
Sound; OM
Colours; Indigo
Energy Centre of intuition, insight, psychic abilities, dreams, clairvoyance, clairaudience, visions, beliefs, understanding, comprehension, reading, clarity.
Unhealed; illusions, limited mind, critical, judgmental, refusing to see the truth of things, egotistical, misunderstanding, confused, manipulation, fear, lack of clarity, overthinking, anxiety, negative thinking patterns, worry, doubt.
Vishuddha. I SPEAK.
Element; Ether.
Sound; HAM
Colours; Blue & Aqua
Energy Centre of communication, verbal communication, words, speaking, speech, using words for truth, languages, expression through words.
Unhealed; inability to express oneself through words, difficulties speaking, speech issues, stutter, cannot say what you think and feel, shut down of communication, talking too much, telling lies, abuse of words, not allowed to speak your truth, fear of speaking.
Anahata. I LOVE.
Element; Air.
Sound; YAM
Colours; Green & Pink.
Energy Centre of desire, love, self-love, likes, happiness, care, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance, joy, kindness, presence.
Unhealed; Grief, loneliness, sadness, relationship heartaches, feeling unloved, rejection, not listening to the heart, not listening to your desires, unhappiness, feelings of hatred.
Manipura. I DO.
Element; Fire.
Sound; RAM
Colour; Yellow.
Energy Centre of willpower, what you do, personal power, personal boundaries, personal space, self control, responsibility, personal needs.
Unhealed; controlling, being controlled by others, dominating over others, not taking responsibility, having other people's responsibilities, abuse of power, taking other people's personal power, doing without thinking and or desiring, giving your power away, anger, helplessness, dependant on others.
Svadhishthana. I FEEL.
Element; Water.
Sound; VAM
Colour; Orange.
Energy Centre of creation, feelings about oneself, emotions, eating, how you feel about aspects of your life, Clairsentient, emotional awareness.
Unhealed; feelings of regret, feelings of blame, self-blame, shame, food issues, lacking emotional awareness, negative feelings about yourself, depression, negative feelings about money/sex/food/work. Not listening to the signal from this chakra.
Muladhara. I AM.
Element; Earth
Sound; LAM
Colour; Red
Energy Centre of manifestation, the physical world, stability, security, safety, finances, people, physical energy, sex, grounded.
Unhealed; physical trauma, physical abuse, lack of security in life, poverty, lack of finances, insecure, feeling unstable, unstable job/community/home, promiscuous, feeling unsafe, issues to do with people, feeling like you don't belong, being alone, not being ground, not wanting to be where you are.
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